Vedapatha Shale

Ved. Br. Sri. Harish with the instruction & blessings of his Guruji has started Sri Shankara Veda Pathashale Trust [Regd.]. He has been dedicating his resources and time for the trust ever since it started in July 2014. This is a NOT FOR PROFIT organization. In order to raise the degree of Governance to the highest standards in the Trust, he has constituted the Board Trustees with following eminent people from society who believe in Advaita Siddhanta proposed by Adi Shankaracharya.


1st Veda Pathashale – 2014, Banashankari, Bangalore, Karnataka, India


2nd Veda Pathashale – 2017, Virupakshapura, Bangalore, Karnataka, India


  • Spread the knowledge of  Vedas globally to imbibe Vedic spirit in all the people leveraging best of  internet technologies. .
  • Provide the power and knowledge of vedic mantras for universal transformation of well-being.
  • Publish useful books in Vedas and shastras under the guidance of eminent scholars.
  • Building a solid Vedamantra Learning platform enabling world to learn.

our misson

  • To encourage the study and recitation of Vedas because Vedas are the root of our traditions and customs.
  • To facilitate senior faculties of Vedas and Shastras for their tireless role in preserving the rich oral tradition and guiding the learners.
  • To train those students who cannot become Vedic scholars into Purohits to perform various rituals and ceremonies for the benefit of the society.

Currently, the available method of learning Vedas is to dedicate full time in the traditional Gurukulas. For active professionals, time is becoming a constraint to dedicate actively. This situation could lead to always have aspirants of learning Vedas and no method exists to cater to them. With a belief that Vedas accelerate Personal as well as Social Transformation. SSVP has chosen a method with a rich blend of traditional learning through Guru Mukhi with flexible hours of learning while leveraging the best of Internet Technologies.


Key Objectives of the Sri Shankara Veda Pathashale Trust [Regd.] are :

Enriching the Human Lives with Veda Mantra Recitation leading to Personal and then Social Transformation.

Under this objective Sri Shankara Veda Pathashale Trust [Regd.] has taken-up the following Initiatives :

  1. Established 2 Gurukulas in Bangalore and secured affiliation from Govt. of Karnataka for the courses offered.
    • Developed the Technology Infrastructure facilitating seamless learning of Veda Mantras Online from well qualified Vedic Scholars.
    • Undertaking projects in the pursuit of Sanatana Dharma preservation.Working for the welfare of Vedic Scholars and Students.
  2. To encourage the study of the origin of this eternal culture, and the teaching & reciting of Vedas.
  3. To facilitate senior faculties who impart priceless guidance.
  4. To encourage the meritorious students to excel in their studies.
  5. Publish useful books under the guidance of eminent scholars.